cback configuration
cback is heaviliy configurable, a pro of this is that cback can be made to suit a vast array of different use cases, the con however, is that inital comprehension of how to configure cback can be tedious. cback utilises a few unique concepts that must be understood before attempting to apply a non default configuration.
Groups in cback are a abstract concept that allow for a specific configuration to be applied during agent runtime to jobs that are tagged as a member of said group (nominally done when creating an inital backup job) Groups are intended (if used at all) as a method of allowing a cback operator to tailor backup procedure, bellow are a few examples of how groups could be used to delimit configuration policy:
Source type: ceph, eos, nfs
Retention period: short, medium, long
Individual-services: webservers, user-directories, images, videos, git-repos
Departments: IT, Finance, Beams, Power-systems, HR,
as each of these groups are user defined (along with the configuration they apply) the scope of each can be made to suit whatever underlying concept best suits said operator.
Creating a group
[warning❗] The creation of a group definition in cback should occur after you finish writing your cback configuration, otherwise cback agents will look for a configuration to apply that simply isn't there.
You can create a group as shown in the bellow example:
# check for any existing groups
$ cback group ls
│ Id │ Name │
│ 1 │ manila │
# add your new group(s)
$ cback group add example
$ cback group ls
│ Id │ Name │
│ 2 │ example │
│ 1 │ manila │
Portal Scopes
The cback portal allows for a 'permission scope' to be applied to LDAP users that controls the actions said user can take when interacting with a cback system via the portal. This section can be disregarded if you do not intend to use the cback portal. A cback scope consists of the following elements:
username: the username of the specific ldap user the scope will be applied on
group: the string value of a group name, can be subsistuted with "*" for ALL groups.
id: the interger value of a specific backup job id, can be subsituted with "*" for ALL backups.
Permissions: A permission list, that delimits what actions the specific user can take
- create: allows the user to create a new backup job
- delete: allows the user to delete jobs from cback
- restore: allows the user to perform cback restores
- run: allows the manual triggering of a job run outside cbacks scheduling
As the cback portal is primarily aimed at API clients, or service accounts for a given catagory of backup rather then end users, these scope tuples are purposely quite coarse. Creating a new scope is relatively simple, a user can be limited for example to:
- Have full power on all backups within a specific group called example:
$ cback portal scope new -u example -s \
'[{"group": "example", "id": "*", "permissions":["restore", "create", "run", "delete"]}]
- have limited power to run only a specific backup
$ cback portal scope new -u example -s \
'[{"group": "example", "id": "1", "permissions":["run"]}]
- have global power to delete (but nothing else) all backups in all groups
$ cback portal scope new -u example -s \
'[{"group": "*", "id": "*", "permissions":["delete"]}]
Creating a configuration file
configuration of cback can seem a bit of a daunting task initally due to the sheer number of parameters availible, some things to keep in mind are that:
- cback agents look for a configuration file at the default path
- Agents will pull the elements that are relevant to their own operation from the configuration.
- As a result of the above configuration is expected to be global, all worker nodes of acback system should have a identical configuration file.
- Most parameters in cback have default values, you can use
ack <parameter_name>
to see where a parameter is defined, used and whether it has a default value in the source code.
Bellow is an example configuration file, with comments for each parameter regarding purpose, it is not exhaustive but provides a good starting point regarding how cback can be configured.
log: ## Logging configuration
level: "debug" # Log Level of cback.
output: "/var/log/cback/cback.log" # output location of agent logs on the worker node
database: ## database configuration
host: "" # hostname of the worker node running the cback database
user: "example-db-admin" # username of the db user to interact as
port: 5505 # interger port of the database service
password: "example-pass" # password for the database user
database: "cbackboxdb" # instance name of the specific internal database to use for cback
metrics: ## metric configuration (can be dropped if not used.)
driver: "example" # driver to use
example: ## in this way, a user can define multiple different drivers.
host: ""
port: 2003
timeout: 30
agents: ## Agent configuration
all: ## global configuration, any parameters that span groups and agents should go here.
wait_time: 10 # how long to wait between polling for a new job to attempt
example_group: ## the begining of a group configuration section, **NOTE** multiple are allowed.
shared: ## configuration common to all agents WITHIN the named group
retry_if_error: True # whether to retry a job on job failure status
max_retries: 3 # how many times to reattempt a given job on failure
timeout: 259000 # how long to wait (in seconds) before considering a job failed due to timeout
s3_connections: 32 # number of paralell connections to S3 allowed per agent
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "example" # S3 access key for the target backup endpoint
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "example" # S3 secret key for the taget backup endpoint
s3_endpoint: "s3:" # S3 target backup endpoint
bucket_prefix: "eoscanary" # A prefix to apply to all buckets within this group
source_type: "ceph" # the source file system expected for this type of backup
destination_type: "ceph" # the destination file system for restores for this type of backup
password: "AAAAAAAAA" # The restic password to use for protecting all backups in this group
cache_dir: "/var/tmp/cback" # the (per worker node) local directory to use for agent cback caching
backup: ## backup agent/s specific config
enabled: True # should the backup agent/s be enabled for this group?
force: False # should cback force a backup, even if no file changes have occured since the last?
files_error_log: "/var/log/cback/cback-backup-errors.log" # where to log errors on backing up specific files
exclude_list: ["*.sys.a#*", "*.sys.v#*"] # exclusion wildcards, following restic --exclude syntax
method: "random" # run method, where random == a random agent, or if supplied by name a specific worker node
prune: ##prune agent/s specific config
enabled: True # should the prune agent/s be enabled for this group?
method: "random" # run method, where random == a random agent, or if supplied by name a specific worker node
retention_policy: ## definition for the retention policy of restic snapshots, controls how snapshots are pruned
keep-daily: 7
keep-weekly: 5
keep-monthly: 6
graceful_deletion: False # should prune agents use graceful deletion (overides retention period) snapshot have to be manually deleted.
delete_graceful_period: 20000 # if used, defines a period (in seconds) to wait before deleting a snapshot.
verify: ## verify agent/s specific config
enabled: True
destination_path: "/var/tmp/cback" # base directory on the worker node for where the verify take place
restore: # restore agent/s specific config
enabled: True
switch: ## switch agent/s specific config
enabled: True
backup: 86400 # the time (in seconds) before a backup job should be repeated for a backup
prune: 86400 # the time (in seconds) before a prune job should be repeated for a backup
verify: 2592000 # the time (in seconds) before a verify job should be repeated for a backup
if you are intending to utilise the cback portal, further configuration must be added:
portal: ## cback portal specific config
auth: ## cback portal authorization config
providers: ## authentication providers
ldap: ## configuration for ldap querying, requires a service account for lookups and impersonation
hostname: "" # ldap service hostname
port: 389 # port to use for connecting to ldap
bind_username: "example" # LDAP3 schema username
bind_password: "example" # user password
impersonator: ## cback user impersonator configuration, mirrors database configuration nominally.
host: "" # hostname of the worker node running the cback database
user: "example-db-admin" # hostname of the db user to interact as
port: 5505 # interger port of the database service
password: "example-pass" # password for the database user
database: "cbackboxdb" # instance name of the specific internal database to use for cback
mapping: ## user mapping method supports these
basic: ["impersonator", "ldap"]
secret_key: # json web token secret key, used to sign client tokens, generate with 'openssl rand -hex 32'
expire: 60 # expiry time for a given user JWT token in minutes
cache: # REDIS cache cli details
host: "localhost" # can be left as localhost
port: 6379 # can be left as 6379
password: "" # can be left empty unless securing
scope: ## scope specific configuration
rules: ## scope rules to apply on a per group basis
example: ["manual"] # example rule definition, apply the manual driver scope method to the group "example"
manual: ## manual scope driver configuration
host: "" # hostname of the worker node running the cback database
user: "example-db-admin" # hostname of the db user to interact as
port: 5505 # interger port of the database service
password: "example-pass" password for the database user
database: "cbackboxdb" instance name of the specific internal database to use for cback
nodes: ["https://cback-portal-example:9000"] # a list of all cback portal nodes that can mount
api_token: "change-me" # http api-token used for checking against when performing a mount via the portal
user: ## user scope lookup section
enable_cache: true # allow the REDIS cache to cache portal user scopes lookups
cache: # ditto of cache configuration for portal user scopes
host: "localhost" # ditto the above cache section
port: 6379 # ditto the above cache section
password: "" # ditto the above cache section
driver: "rest" # the driver to use for user lookup, leave on rest.
drivers: ## driver configuration
oidc_token_endpoint: " # OIDC token endpoint (API authoriser url)
target_api: "example-authorization-service-api" # target API service name (API name)
api_base_url: "" # target API service base url (API url)
client_id: "" # username for OIDC token endpoint (API authoriser username)
client_secret: "" # password for OIDC token endpoint (API authoriser secret)